13 Feb 2013

Clever Valentine's Day Ideas

I have never really been big on Valentine’s Day, with or without a significant other. I’m just a straight up cool kid *beams* – and cheesy things make me feel itchy. But I’m also not completely cold to the world of public displays of affection - that is,  if done properly and cleverly like the following. When the world is frantic on products, gifts and ideas, it's difficult to go about without gagging looking at the overflowing cheesy and bubble hearts popping all over. So let's see some of the cooler not-so-sex-related ones out there.

This postcard is very sweet but totally something I’d hide away from my dad. For sure he’s going to want to know who that hobo of a boyfriend is going after his precious daughter.

Skip the corny with this card. Now this postcard is me! If I was the man, this is the sort I’d give.

This sounds a lot like my brother’s girlfriend. My bro absolutely loves chocolates and always seems to find them somewhere. Maybe she’s just like that boy – hiding it so the pleasure of finding it makes it all the more better.

I think this one's a little cheesy, but it’s featured on here because I just love the value of keeping one’s hygiene. I still think sharing ONE set of headphones is better (as in more romantic) than two separate ones though – a single one is inexpensive and brings the distance of two people just that much closer. Take note of that Romeos.

But to cut through all the cheesy and back to reality I'll only buy this if it came in a different design – like an old TV set and having the headphone cord as the antennae. Now that would be a sure buy – someone design it quick!

However, I think this gift is good for avid music listeners/lovers who prefer hearing quality music on both ears. Or if you really love him or her - then look after their hygiene with this little device! This also stops your lover from becoming annoyingly deaf in just one ear but in both ears to balance it out. Awh, aren't you sweet? 

For those in a distant relationship, or just apart during the Valentine’s period, here is a clever and creepy present to give. For the guys, an arm and a pair of boobies to rest on – I think those breasts were well planned, sticking to average is very realistic – while the women have half their partner’s body to rest on. Creepy, but still a nice try.

Here’s a cute present, pillow sheets!
...not so much this:

…but the idea itself is quite clever.

Forget matching jewelleries and accessories. Just have the salt and pepper shakers make out for you when your relationship gets dry and old. Kiddin’. It’s a cute set though. I’d want one.

Another postcard – I thought it was cool and clever like the others until I realised it could also mean something else. It’s an honest one to give to your gold diggin’ girlfriend, eh?

On that note, here are some clever presents to buy when feeling a little anti-Valentine’s day:

It’s a pretty self-explanatory present. It's artistically clever, engraving bold letters on cold, metal hearts. With three hearts involved, does this mean someone's been cheating on somebody? Oooh. Mystery.

The slippers say Don't drink and dial. It could just be the only thing that could save you from making a huge mistake – or a huge embarrassment to the human kind.

Yes, take it out on the poor little red man - you criminally insane obsessive lover.

Also, for our broke as bruthas out there, here’s a sweet inexpensive present to give in 2 simple easy steps. If that's not easy enough to understand for our not-so-book-smart boys, then what is? And by the looks of things, you still get half the box for yourself! :)