21 Apr 2013

Graffiti Watches | FLüD

I was browsing around the internet when I came across these totally gangsta watches by FLüD. I think they're totally legit streetwear, not only do they have them as a wrist watches, but also clocks to decorate your walls. Both clock and wrist watch come in either black or white. I don't own them (yet), but I love them already!

Look at that clock and the detail of each number! It's so dopesauce!

FLüD completes my evening by showing me what else is available in their line! Dudes and dudettes, these are totally amazing! How much more hip hop can one get with these decorating their wrist! They're so cute. My favourite is that cassette watch. It. Is. SO ill.

Here are some of their products, but you should really check out their website, they have a lot more going on than just watches; like necklaces, wallets and shirts.




TMNT Raphael:



Rocksmith Turntables: