18 Apr 2013

Jay Park | Red MCM Bag | Joah Music Video

Jay Park rocked the Kpop fandom once again with his bag-wearing, bag-dancing mannerism. Check these snapshots.

I find Jay Park a funny guy in so many ways. Sometimes I can’t take him seriously in any of his music videos because well, I find him a funny guy. My friend is kind of obsessed with him. She finds him ‘like the cutest guy in the whole wide world like evarr’. Lol. I do give credit to him for having nice skin though, as most Koreans that I know have. Must be all that kimchi. I must eat my kimchi.

Through her, I recently got to check out one of his recent music videos and it’s actually quite a nice tune. I dig it. I had to laugh a couple of times though because the character he portrayed didn’t really suit him. Chasing after a girl? Unheard of. It should be the other way round. I know it's the girls who can't get enough of him. I was following him on instagram for a while and he posted a picture of his socks with holes on them. And he got like 3k likes. WTF. That's how much girls adore him. Now that’s reality. Music Video, learn.

Anyway, the point of this entry is to respond to a lot of queries about his red bag on that particular video titled '좋아 Joah'. Here:

Yes folks – that’s MCM yet again. I’m not even certain whether Jay Park’s modelling for them – go ask a Jaywalker or something – but MCM should really get this boy to endorse for them if he's not already. He’s selling that bag without even trying. Remember that white MCM bag here?

If he is sponsored by them - well, nice job MCM. Good pick.

Peaces x :)