3 Apr 2013

Amazing Asian Concept | Quick Crew

I was checking Facebook this morning and one of the updates caught my attention so... I must blog about it! I have heard of the Norwegian crew, Quick Crew, before but never really seen any of their sets. Them being European and all, I was sceptical about this ‘Asian Concept’. I thought, in what mocking stereotype do Europeans have of Asians this time?

Nevertheless, I still clicked and watched… Then I was amazed.

What they did so cleverly was not pile every Asian thing they think Asians do – you know, like eating noodles with chopsticks really quick dragon ball z styles – no. In fact, the way they interpreted it was through their Asian themed music – as what a dancer does. Interpret. They wore Asian Clothing and the infamous paddy hats to carry the Asian theme, but their dance itself was very Asian without the stereotype. I love it.

I can see that their theme is strongly on point with the rural dwellers of Asia, the farmers. This is true in the way it is represented through the paddy hats and how they let the music carry their dance. For example, they had those pulleys and levers depicting the hard labour of a field worker; or when they got on a boat and started rowing (you can actually hear the water in the background) to depict fishermen. At the end, they do that totally Asian pose, and the front dancer tips over. If you’ve been to an Asian garden, you know that’s a fountain (when the water fills a bamboo piece and tips).

They were so creative, I totally loved watching this. Best of all, they were gangsta as! xD

Peace and Good Morning! :) x