I don’t usually fan girl about the X Factor but this week’s selection was so spectacular I just had to write about it! I’m watching it all the way from New Zealand, so obviously old news in the US is still news down here.
On a normal X Factor week I can easily forget about the show after watching it. This week was slightly different - I actually found plenty to love the show for. To begin with I was excited for the over 25s but this feeling quickly dissipated when I found Ashly Williams missed a spot in the girl’s category (boo!). Buuut, after seeing the outcome of this week’s selection, the dormant creepy little show-fangirl in me was awakened.
First let’s talk about Carlos Guevara.
This boy had an amazing first audition. I was a little bit scared for him because he sounded stunning that first audition but I wondered, could he deliver a flawless next round and keep his Tourette's under control? When he sang that version of ‘Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone’, it was actually really good. Like really really good. It was a likeable version of the song and it left me feeling pretty impressed. What the heck was I scared for? Obviously I’m no music producer so when Simon started going on about hearing him losing control from his Tourette’s, I was like, it sounded fine to me! If the masses heard nothing wrong, there ain’t nothing wrong. I’m so excited for him.
Here is his performance this week:
Next, Tim Olstad.

Tim was someone who I instantly found endearing during the audition rounds. He was nervous as heck and terrified in front of the judges. Because of how genuinely sincere he was during his pre-performance feature, I knew straight away even before he sang that he had a great voice. Then when he actually sang, what I heard was more than I expected!
His voice was just so comforting! I was blimmin’ enchanted and I don’t normally do this but I went to youtube and re-watched that performance over and over again. I even found his youtube channel (is that creepy?) and… I don’t know. Just listen to him sing people! So when he sang ‘The Climb’ by Miley Cyrus during the 4 chair challenge, I had full confidence in his talent. Paulina just could not send the boy home. But she did.
Not only is this show intense but there’s drama on the side. Kelly is shocked, Simon is laughing at Paulina as though she was crazy and the whole auditorium is angry. I was furious. Poor Mario did not know what was going on when Paulina asked him for a time-out. What’s a time-out on X Factor? Paulina decided to do a double switch to bring Tim back. Girl, that was a stupid mistake but I forgive you anyways.
Although I wanted Al Calderon to never sing the Happy Birthday song ever again, I am grateful that I'll be able to continue watching Tim’s amazing talent grow.
Here is Tim Olstad performing The Climb:
And just when you think my rant is over... let me talk about that sensational sugar coated country sweetness eye candy that is Restless Road!