Continuing after my Carlos and Tim rant is Restless Road. Ok,
I hate it when people say it because it sounds so barbaric, but the saying ‘a
lot of panties are falling down’ might actually be true for Restless Road. And can I add briefs
and boxers in the mix too, no homo?
These charming boys – er – men are making ladies AND gentlemen all over the world fall in love with them just so effortlessly. Not only are they actually very pretty but after rewinding (rewinding? who says that these days) back to their auditions, I found them to be very likeable people. Andrew smiles for eternity, Colton is totally loved by his town, and Zach seems to be in good terms with his younger siblings - who doesn't love a nice big brother? And when I say big, I also mean friggin' tall.
These charming boys – er – men are making ladies AND gentlemen all over the world fall in love with them just so effortlessly. Not only are they actually very pretty but after rewinding (rewinding? who says that these days) back to their auditions, I found them to be very likeable people. Andrew smiles for eternity, Colton is totally loved by his town, and Zach seems to be in good terms with his younger siblings - who doesn't love a nice big brother? And when I say big, I also mean friggin' tall.

This ‘man-band’ was formed decidedly by none other than Simon. Its members are composed of country artists who auditioned as soloists for the competition. They are (from left to right): Andrew Scholz, Colton Pack and Zach Beeken. Both Andrew and Colton are 18 years old and Zach is the baby of the group at 17. Yes, mentioning their age is imperative as these are very important information for fan girls.
After Paulina completed the selection of her 4 boys, it was
finally the groups' turn. The joy it was for Kelly, Paulina and especially Demi to
see Simon go through the anguish they had just gone through. Then again,
Simon’s a lot tougher than the girls and most likely has no problem saying no to the
contestants. Actually during one switch it almost felt like Simon was just casually selecting
food from a restaurant menu.
When the segment for Restless Road began, and even though my music taste
lies with RnB, Old School Hip Hop, Funk and Soul - or in other words not-Country, I was still extremely excited to see some eye candy :P
Here was their performance:
Ugh! Simon, darn you to heck! Restless Road just flipped my mind ten times. I want to repeat what Demi said about Simon – genius. He is a friggin’ genius for putting Restless Road together. Initially, there was nothing particularly special about each of them during their solo auditions but when put together as a group – like, what the heck… why so good?! As Paulina said, their voices just blended so well together and I agree, I totally agree.
I’m not American, I don’t know a lot about country, don’t
like a lot of country and probably don’t really care much about country. Apart from country that went pop, I’m pretty oblivious to the genre. But as
soon as they all sang the chorus together… wow. They basically resuscitated my teenage-fangirl monstrosity back to
life and I am reunited with this freaky side of myself until the day I stop
seeing these boys on TV.
I don’t know. Maybe I’ll finally learn more about country…
boys :P
Peace and Love :)
Read Motown Week Favourites here.