3 Mar 2013

Good F*cking Design | Advice

I'm not a lover of profanity, it makes my totally sophisticated ears bleed and my eloquence tingling. Haha. I do have good humour though and I'm not always uptight about people swearing. I just prefer it if people don't swear every sentence when they talk to me. Surfing through the web though, I found this t-shirt! The first thing I thought of was bboying.

I know from experience that bboying/bgirling is a hobby that we love but can kill us with frustration. For others, it's not a hobby, it's their sport and to others, it's their living. Whatever it is for us, sometimes in bboying we come across stumbling blocks that make us want to stop doing this thing we absolutely love. I admit that I've quit it more than once but kept picking it up each time because of my sheer love for the dance.

We all need something to help us get through bboying, dancing or just simply the day. If it's not us, it's either one of our friends or crew members. Flash this baby on their faces to liven them up, or for the more generous, give it to them as a present and they'll (hopefully) pick their lazy ass up in no time! But if their problem is not laziness and are merely lacking inspiration at the time being, give them something else. Don't give them this you insensitive prick.

Check Good F*cking Design's online store. 

Here are some more designs, even a placard to place on your friend's walls, and mugs to get them going in the morning. Haha. I just love the thought of giving these to friends for humour's sake.

But remember this people, written in the bible is "What goes into a man's mouth does not make a man unclean but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean'... For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander." - Matt 15:11, 19. So don't actually go about saying those things every single day heh.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the above images.