9 Jun 2014

Kim C’s Popularity Outdone Over Buns | 1 Night 2 Days Season 1

Ok, clearly 1N2D Season One ended a long time ago but here I am anyway watching it all over again! You know, watching it while expecting something to happen is actually really fun – like seeing Kim C realise he wasn’t as popular as he first thought he was. Kim C may have begun the show with a popularity ego shot up to the roof but man did he learn to just take the back seat at every popularity contest the members had among themselves.

In episode 27, Lee Seung-gi and Kim C had ran off with the group’s money and snuck into a famous local steamed bun shop where they ate without expecting the others to suspect anything. Of course, nothing food related ever escape the likes of these men, ahem Kang Hodong, and were outright furious at being left out. To calm the storm, Kim C volunteered to go buy some more claiming he’ll use his fame to snag a few extra just because he can.

At 6 buns for $2, Kim C managed to get the team 8 buns. At first the crew were impressed until Lee Su-geun pointed out his fame and autograph only managed two extra buns. But Kim C sneered and persisted that “they’re going crazy in there because of me” at which Su-geun replied “they went crazy for you and only gave you two more?”

Kim C then asked Su-geun to show him how it’s done on the condition that he was not allowed to pay nor perform for the steamed buns. Deal. Su-geun went inside the store and after a while reappeared. “Look here Kim C” he yelled and Kim C almost choked. Lee Su-geun came out with a whole bag of steamed buns.

And this was sadly the beginning of many more disappointing popularity contests for Kim C. 

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